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Meet The Team



Head Farmer, designer and dreamer at LIly Pily. Sarah is not just a Nutritionist, beekeeper and educator. She is passionate about all things green and good and has a character flaw of not being able to do anything that she cannot make fun. When she is not farming or growing food you will find her on adventures in nature some where or dreaming them up.



Carpenter and chief builder of all things structural that need to last on the farm. He's the one who can make the the dreams a reality, the chicken master and the one with the cheesy jokes and endless patience. When he's not on the farm as sarah's side kick, you will find him in his happy place. Surfing



Ellie may the the smallest member of the family, but she is the only one of us that actually loves fencing. She is the resident DJ, the cow whisperer and with her trusty side kick Winston she's always up for a drive around the farm to check our whats going on.



Sunny brings not only his can do, hard working attitude, he also bring the teenage rippling biceps to the team. Sunny has a unique way of looking at problems and every opportunity he gets when not working on the farm is to run up the back paddock and work on his mountain bike track or hitting the surf.



Lily Pilys resident smarty pants Elke is not around that much these days as she is off studying in the city, but when she is home she is a keen gardener (she probs wouldn't say that) and incredible artist so its always a delight when she comes home with paints and pencil in hand to inspire us with the beauty she creates.

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Winston and Duchess

Life wouldn't be the same without these two. Winston is always there for moral support but useless at actually helping, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Duchess the cat is our resident mouser and overseerer of Lily PIly. If somethings up on the farm, she knows about it and comes to investigate. 


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